Solve Online Content Support Issues Professionally

Reading the post by BubblewsSupport this morning about how they're taking verbal assaults more seriously got me thinking. Bashing in posts when you're disgruntled is wrong in many ways. If you rumor-monger or bad-mouth the company in other venues online, that's even worse. Am I a company sycophant? No. I speak from eight years writing professionally online. And this is just common sense.  Solve Bubblesws Support Issues Professionally--Do Not Ruin it For Everyone

How to Use Screen Shot and Edit Images

I asked this question on Bubblews recently. "I've seen a lot of writers putting screen shots on their submissions. I know how to take selfies with the camera button. In fact, I wrote about it. But I have never figured out the screen shot thingy. And I want to. So if you have any advice or can offer tech support, please, help this gal out. Bueller? Anyone?" Tech Advice Needed

I got some easy, helpful feedback on taking screen shots, saving and editing them. Scroll past my article and down to the comments for tips. And ------>


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